08 April 2008
07 April 2008
06 April 2008
05 April 2008
04 April 2008
03 April 2008
02 April 2008
Teeter and Totter (day 38)
01 April 2008
Walking Around Campus (day 37)

During photography class this evening we were instructed to walk around campus and take pictures of whatever struck our fancy. I loved how the light was hitting the iron fence. This chubby little robin was so cooperative and let me a great amount of practice in adjusting my white balance!
31 March 2008
30 March 2008
29 March 2008
My Daughter's Eyes (day 34)

This evening I was actually happily snapping away pictures of my brother wrestling with my boys. Robin was sitting on the couch next to me watching the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards. I looked down at her, she looked up at me, and I snapped this one. It ended up being my favorite of the day.
28 March 2008
27 March 2008
experimenting with light (day 32)

My most recent photography class has made me want to experiment with different kinds of light. I was playing around with this Willow Tree statue, a metallic gift bag, and a candle with the lights off in my kitchen.